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Bank management
- Páginas : 398
- Editorial : McGraw-Hill
- Idioma : Español
- Fecha de Publicación : 01/01/2008
- Encuadernación : Rústica
- Nº Edición : Tercera
- País de Publicación : ESPAÑA
- Lugar de Publicación : Madrid
- López Pascual, Joaquín. y Sebastián González, Altina.
- ISBN: 9788448140298
- Chapter 1: Financial System: Operating framework for credit institutions
- Chapter 2: Factors Affecting the Evolution of Financial Systems
- Chapter 3: Towards a common European space
- Chapter 4: The different banking models: the Spanish case
- Chapter 5: Liability operations
- Chapter 6: Asset Operations
- Chapter 7: Derivative Products
- Chapter 8: Capital markets as a source of income for banking entities
- Chapter 9: Institutional Investors: Mutual Funds
- Chapter 10: Banking and Savings Banks: Analyzing Your Financial Statements
- Chapter 11: Main ratios and performance measures
- Chapter 12: Risk in the banking business
- Chapter 13: Bank risk measurement indicators and models
- Chapter 14: The integrated management of the risk function
- Chapter 15: The Impact of Technology on the Banking Business
- Chapter 16: New products and means of payment: the diversification policy
- Chapter 17: Banking Crises: Causes and Solutions
- Chapter 18: The Banking Sector Consolidation Process: Mergers and Acquisitions
- Chapter 19: The new reality: strategies and positioning of Spanish banks on the international banking map
- Chapter 20: Corporate governance: Good governance practices, a priority for banking
The Rating and the Rating Agency
- Páginas : 208
- Editorial : S.L. – DYKINSON
- Idioma : Español
- Fecha de Publicación : 01/08/2002
- Encuadernación : Rústica
- Nº Volúmenes : 1
- NºEdición : Primera
- País de Publicación : ESPAÑA
- Lugar de Publicación : Madrid
- López Pascual, J., Ed. Dykinson
- ISBN: 9788481551617
- Chapter 1: The rating or risk rating
- Chapter 2: The Meaning of Grades
- Chapter 3: Basic elements in the elaboration of a qualification
- Chapter 4: Process for obtaining the rating
- Chapter 5: Documentation to be submitted to the rating agencies
- Chapter 6: The usefulness of the rating
- Chapter 7: The rating typology
- Chapter 8: Rating and securitization
- Chapter 9: The rating of mutual funds
- Chapter 10: Other aspects related to the rating
Elena Ortiz Terán (Author), Joaquín López-Pascual.
In this book, the authors have wanted to explain the changes that have occurred in the study of economics from its beginnings as a science, passing through the birth and development of behavioral economics (behavioral economics), in which psychology and economics come together. up to what we now know as «neuroeconomics».
Recent scientific advances in the study of the brain, and its functioning, especially with neuroimaging, have allowed the appearance of Neuroeconomics, which studies the brain responses that occur while we make decisions of an economic nature, allowing us to understand the behavior of individuals.
We believe that the possibilities of neuroeconomics are immense, to propose models, to predict the economic behavior of people, design financial products and application, training and application to artificial intelligence in the financial world.
Economics and Banking Management
“Economics and Banking Management” Editorial Pirámide. 2015. Joaquín López Pascual y Altina de Fátima Sebastián González. I.S.B.N.: 978-84-368-2982-2. Páginas 320
The financial crisis had a significant impact on the banking sector: some entities went bankrupt, others needed public funds and the rest saw their profitability cut, their balance sheets reduced, delinquencies on the rise and, in some cases, they needed to resort to the market to increase the capital according to the new regulation, increasingly demanding. The economic-financial environment presents a new paradigm that requires banks to reorient their strategies. In this context, the work identifies the main weaknesses of the sector and proposes improvements in management aimed at recovering customer confidence, shareholder interest, staff motivation, and efficiency and profitability. lost. The authors deal clearly with the conceptual aspects and illustrate them with sufficient quantitative information so that the reader can carry out a temporal analysis and benchmarking between the different countries. The combination of the technical aspects with its practical applications makes this manual a must-read for all who are interested in the banking sector.
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