I am happy to tell you that we have edited the book "Insurtech, Proptech & Fintech Environment. Sustainability, Global Trends and Opportunities". The relationship between fintech and sustainability and the ...
New Paper: Artificial intelligence-driven scalability and its impact on the sustainability and valuation of traditional firms The objective of this study is to determine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) ...
JUSTIFICATION The microfinance movement in the United States seeks to expand economic opportunities for individuals and foster community economic development by providing small loans and other business services ...
The microcredit market in the USA The subject of this study is the microcredit market in the USA, more specifically in Florida. The justification for choosing this specific state is ...
MICROCREDITS In recent decades, microcredit has become an essential source of financing to promote business ventures for poor people, particularly women and minorities. ADDRESSEES OF THIS ARTICLE ...
The objective of this paper is to analyze to what extent investment funds in Spain have incorporated ethical and environmental concerns into the training and selection policy of their investment ...
Investment funds have been established in recent years as one of the main financial products in our country (Table 1: series used) and in the European Union. (Table 2: International ...
Joaquin López Pascual and JM Carabias (2009) have collaborated on a new research article. " Correcting for Asymmetry of Information and Debt Capacity on Capital Structure Empirical Tests: Evidence from ...
The institutional framework of the economic policies of the European Monetary Union in the face of current financial difficulties. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=68265
The need for a continuous adaptation of the consumer finance business to the current context, characterized by an economic-financial situation marked by a strong financial crisis and the general credit ...
One of the few things that can be exploited from the current difficulties that the Monetary Union (UM) is going through is the possibility it offers to gauge the degree ...
This paper warns of the need to review the current monetary regime so that the inclusion of financial stability, as an objective that accompanies monetary stability and macroprudential policies, can ...
Do you want to know even more?
Knowledge of the current economy, financial markets, its institutions and products, constitute a fundamental element and with their understanding financial and investment decisions can be made, being able to plan them over time.
Joaquín López Pascual has both the knowledge and the necessary experience to be able to write and publish more than twenty books, which will help you learn about the economy in a way that you had never considered before.
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