• Links of interest: CFA Institute https://www.cfainstitute.org/ FINECT https://www.finect.com/ FOGAIN https://www.fogain.com/ FUNDS SOCIETY https://www.fundssociety.com/es INBESTME https://www.inbestme.com/es MOODY'S https://www.moodys.com/ MORNINGSTAR https://www.morningstar.es/es/ OECD https://www.oecd.org/ SPAINSIF https://www.spainsif.es/ WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION https://www.wto.org/ Glossary of economic ...

    Published On: 08/07/2022Categories: Links of interest
  • Regulations, publications The Bank of Spain is the national central bank and, within the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) , the supervisor of the Spanish banking system together ...

    Published On: 17/03/2022Categories: Links of interest
  • Very useful! As we know, a bibliographic search is a systematic collection of published information related to a topic. A good piece of writing depends on a planning process, which ...

    Published On: 17/03/2022Categories: Links of interest
  • Website of interest. Within the website of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) you can find valuable information about: current articlesBasic dataIMF organization chartetc... The IMF home page contains information, news, ...

    Published On: 13/02/2022Categories: Links of interest

Do you want to know even more?

Knowledge of the current economy, financial markets, its institutions and products, constitute a fundamental element and with their understanding financial and investment decisions can be made, being able to plan them over time.

Joaquín López Pascual has both the knowledge and the necessary experience to be able to write and publish more than twenty books, which will help you learn about the economy in a way that you had never considered before.